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kitchen tips

5 Items To Keep In Your Kitchen

by Jessica DiSanto
March 11, 2012

Everyone knows what belongs in a kitchen.  Almost every kitchen contains similar items in their respective kitchen cabinets.  Here is a short list of items that should be in everyone?s kitchen cabinets.

1: Hanging Racks

Not every kitchen has it, but most should.  Many people jam their pots and pans into small cabinets.  It?s always a pain to retrieve a large pot that is stuck underneath 3 smaller pots.  Using a hanging rack not only looks nice it also saves a ton of space.

2: Mounted Hooks

Hooks are very important in the kitchen.  Mounted hooks made for hand towels are a tremendous help.  You never have to go rummaging through a junk draw trying to find a towel or oven mitt.  This can save you valuable time when cooking.

3: Glass Cabinets

Using one or two all glass cabinets is a great way to open up the room and store your goods at the same time.  Light flows through the glass cabinet making the room feel more airy and open.  Glass is also easier to keep clean and sanitary.

4: First-Aid Kit

A necessity in a kitchen, the first-aid kit isn?t as prevalent today.  Unfortunately there are many injuries in the kitchen and having the basics should be a priority.  Display it and make it a fashion statement.

5: Step Ladder

If you have utilized your space properly you will surely need a step ladder.  Make a draw for a fold up step ladder otherwise it will take up too much space just lying around somewhere.

If you have all of these 5 normally overlooked items in your kitchen you most certainly have a functional kitchen.  These items aren?t the most important but all have a specific purpose and can make your life much easier.

Did you have all of the above items? Did we miss something? Let us know!

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